The main thing the allocations committee looks for in each and every funding request is a clear explanation of the event/reason for expense and explicit budget. Aside from those two factors there is no clear model for what does and does not get approved. The Allocations Committee would like to see every event and club expense fully funded (given that the said expense falls in line with our bylaws and lehigh code of conduct). Our main reason for denying funding requests is simply if they do not submit the request far enough in advance.
A common issue the Allocations Committee has come across is that clubs have not been submitting funding requests 14 days in advance. Since Student Senate does not do reimbursements unless there are extenuating circumstances (such as a club submitting a funding request 14 days in advance and the allocations committee not getting to it in time). Requiring 14 days in advance allows the Allocations committee to not only have time to get to the funding request in time but also ask questions should there be any concerns about the event.
Yes, the event planning form must be sent and approved in order to get funding from Senate. Without approval for the event, the Student Senate cannot give a club funding.
Departmental funding, crowdfunding, fundraising, and collegiate grants.
The main thing the allocations committee looks for in each and every funding request is a clear explanation of the event/reason for expense and explicit budget. Aside from those two factors there is no clear model for what does and does not get approved. The Allocations Committee would like to see every event and club expense fully funded (given that the said expense falls in line with our bylaws and lehigh code of conduct). Our main reason for denying funding requests is simply if they do not submit the request far enough in advance. Despite our declining budget we try allocate as fairly as possible, when the allocations committee comes across an event we we cannot fully fund we try to partially fund taking into account factors such as if a financial burden would be put on students should they want to attend an event and a clubs ability to ask other departments for funding.
To guarantee funding for an event, conference, meeting, et cetera funding requests should be sent two weeks in advance of the data of the event. The two weeks gives a buffer of time in order for the allocations committee to review the funding request in time, in case they do not get to it during a meeting.
Funding requests should be submitted with a budget proposal in the form. This budget makes it easier for the allocations committee to review the requests in terms of prices and items being bought. The Allocations committee does not offer reimbursements.
Yes. An organization may appeal any decision made by the Student Senate by filing a formal, written grievance with the Allocations Committee via email to the Vice President of Finance. All appeals must be submitted within ten (10) working days following notification of the Senate's decision.
Yes. Student Senate funds are from Student Senate's own budget and are raked back at the end of the year. Use of Student Senate funds must comply with our guidelines.
No. If a club would like to roll over money in their Senate account, a request must be submitted via LINC and be approved by the Allocations Committee, the Vice President of Finance, and the full body of Student Senate. Club funds will roll over.
Not necessarily. Sponsorship does not entail more funding, rather the nature of when that funding is allocated. This occurs once in the beginning of an academic year.
No. Once a funding request has been approved the money is for the club to use however they want. Student Senate does not take the money back in the case of an event being canceled or rescheduled.
Yes, as long as there is a clear and explicit budget.
You can submit one request and state that the event is a collab between however many clubs or submit one per club who is involved.
1) The club must submit an application via LINC. This application includes a club constitution, list of club officers, statement of consent from a faculty/ staff member that will serve as advisor to the club, and a petition of at least twenty-five students that support the club.
2) The club must present its goals and purposes to the Club Affairs committee and answer any questions that the committee may have.
3) Once the club has presented, Student Senate will vote to either grant or deny the club preliminary recognition.
4) If granted, preliminary recognition is a six academic week trial period for the club to function during which the club with be afforded a $100 budget to spend during this period. Club performance over this trial period will be evaluated in deciding whether or not to grant full recognition. Also, any club that is eligible for funding (all clubs are eligible except for those with restricted membership) will receive a limited budget. Similarly, the spending of this money will be evaluated when deciding whether to designate a club as budgeted or non-budgeted.
5) At the end of the trial period, the club must present itself to the Club Affairs committee in order to receive full recognition. The club is responsible for listing its accomplishments during the trial period, explaining its goals and future plans, and answering the committee’s questions. After this meeting, Student Senate will vote to accept full recognition, extend preliminary recognition, or deny recognition.
Recognized clubs are formally recognized by the University as an official organization on campus and can also reserve on-campus spaces for events and meetings. Recognized clubs receive annual funding for events and sponsorships and can be eligible to apply for further allocations throughout the school year. Recognized clubs have a profile and access to the LINC system online.
To be recognized by Student Senate, an organization must schedule a presentation with the Club Affairs committee to present on their organization structure, executive board, and role on campus. The group must present an executive board of all undergraduate students. Additionally, the majority of the club’s members must be undergraduate students, although graduate students are allowed to participate. The club should have a substantial roster of current or potential members as well as ambitions to grow with time. Student Senate does not recognize social fraternities or sororities. However, clubs with restricted membership are not eligible to apply.
No, any club that has restricted membership such that not every undergraduate student can join and participate is automatically ineligible to receive funding.
Although every decision is made on a case-by-case basis, there are certain qualities that a preliminarily-recognized club should have. Ideally, a club at this point of the application process will have:
• Proven interest from the student body
• A unique purpose the will benefit the Lehigh community
• Evidence of sustainability such that the club will have a lasting impact
• Ideas for getting new members
• Plans or agendas for a few events or meetings
• Considered different ways to fund club activity
• Interest in working with Student Senate
Clubs applying for full recognition are already preliminarily-recognized and should therefore possess all the aforementioned qualities. Additionally, a club at this point in the application process will have:
• Increased participation from members
• Stable and well-organized leadership
• New ideas and goals for the future
• Plans to transition the club to new leadership
• Appropriate spending practices
Any club that is denied trial recognition is eligible to re-apply immediately. However, they must start the application process from the beginning and submit a new application via LINC. A club denied full recognition does not become a club but also loses its preliminary recognition; Student Senate may also vote to extend a club's trial (please see below for extension of preliminary recognition). The club may re-apply for recognition from Student Senate, but must wait fifteen academic weeks to do so. Again, the club must start the application from the beginning by submitting an application via LINC.
If this happens, the club is not granted full recognition, but does not lose preliminary recognition. Instead, the club has an additional fifteen academic week to function. At the end of this period, the club must meet with the Club Affairs committee once more and Student Senate must vote whether or not to grant full recognition.
A sponsored club applies during the fall semester, and undergoes a process similar to a trial club in terms of interviews. We will conduct an indepth interview involving the Club Affairs chair and committee, Vice President of Finance and possible committee members, as well as other notable senate positions such as President and Vice President of Internal Affairs.
A club is rendered inactive when they fail to meet reregistration guidelines two semesters in a row. Clubs may also be rendered inactive if they are dissolved by the members themselves, or the organization goes against Senate guidelines to a great extent to warrant a removal of recognition status.
If their mission statements align and both executive boards agree to a merge, then clubs are allowed to merge after contacting Senate to discuss their joining.
Through our newly implemented reregistration process, we are hoping to publish a quantified list of clubs and their status, as well as roster and how long they have been active. For now, all club pages recognized by Senate can be seen on LINC.
Full Senate
Full Senate meetings often begin with committee updates, and continue with bills from the Club Affairs committee, the Allocations committee, or any other committee or Senator that has a bill to present. These bills are discussed, debated, and eventually voted on. Meetings move into leadership workshops or group discussion about different projects committees are working on. During election cycles, most time is spent used for these. Individual committee meetings vary widely in content and style based on their mission--visit the committee tabs for more information!
Send us an email anytime at or fill out this feedback form. We appreciate any and all feedback!
Elections occur at three different points during the year. At the end of every Spring semester, Full Senate elections are held for the following academic year for current university undergraduates. At the beginning of the fall semester, first-years are elected to welcome the incoming class. If there are still vacancies (meaning not enough people ran in certain constituencies), the Elections Committee is formed and candidates submit resumées to be evaluated and potentially interviewed. Finally, if Senators decide to study abroad in the Spring semester or otherwise leave, the Elections Committee is formed again to fill the vacancies for the Spring semeester.
If you're a first-year: first-year constituency (even if you're an athlete).
If you're in Greek life: fraternity/sorority constituency (even if you no longer live in your chapter house).
If you live on-campus (non-Greek): on-campus constituency.
If you live off-campus (non-Greek): off-campus constituency.
If you are a non-first year and an athlete: athlete constituency.
If you are an athlete and a member of a fraternity/sorority: athlete constituency.
Note: If elected, you remain a representative of the constituency you rain in for the semester/year that you ran for even if you move or join a Greek house.
Yes! All meetings are open. We meet Tuesdays from 4:30-6:00 pm. Check our social media for room updates.